A message from Meade County Auditor Lisa Schieffer on 2020 elections.
If you have business with the Auditor/Elections Office, feel free to call 605-347-2360. Our mailing address is 1300 Sherman Street Suite 126, Sturgis, SD 57785. We have the following options available:
Registering to Vote
Voter registration and absentee voting for the June 2, 2020 primary election can be completed through the mail.
You can find the required forms to complete on the SD Secretary of State website here: https://sdsos.gov/elections-voting/voting/register-to-vote/default.aspx.
Renewing Liquor License
Liquor license renewals can be performed by mail. Forms can be downloaded from the SD Department of Revenue site: https://sddor.seamlessgov.com/business-forms.