
On-Site Wastewater System/Septic System Inspections

Effective October 11th, 2011, all sellers of properties with on-site wastewater systems (septic systems), except for agricultural exempted properties, must have their on-site wastewater system inspected by a South Dakota DENR Certified Wastewater Installer.  The installer must be licensed with Meade County, and the tank must be pumped at or within 6 months of the closing date of the sale.  A written inspection report must be completed by this inspector and a copy must be filed with the Equalization/Planning Department.  Properties classified for property tax purposes as agricultural land and which are intended for primarily agricultural use, are exempt from this requirement.

The form to be filed may be downloaded here:  Time of Sale Inspection Form

Revised Ordinances

The following ordinances have recently been revised:

The second readings for each of these ordinances was held on September 6th, 2011, and the revised ordinances went into effect October 11th, 2011.

Revised FEMA Flood Plain Maps for Meade County

FEMA recently revised Meade County's Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map.  These revised flood plain maps went into effect on September 16, 2011.

The full revised FIRM is available to view in the Equalization & Planning Office.

You may also download the following informational handouts:

Please contact Bill Rich at brich@meadecounty.org or Jennifer Phillips at jphillips@meadecounty.org for further information.