Veteran's Benefits Briefing Scheduled for 4/20/12 at 6pm

There will be a briefing concerning Veteran's Benefits at the Meade County Commissioners Briefing Room located in the Erskine Building on Sherman Street at 6 p.m., Friday, April 20th.  Information will be provided on Veteran's disability benefits, VA Healthcare Eligibility, Burial Benefits, Military Records Retrieval, and Spouse's Pensions.  This is a great opportunity to have your questions answered concerning the VA.

Meade County New District Boundaries

The Board of Meade County Commissioners voted on February 7, 2012, to approve new district boundaries in Meade County. The need to redistrict is due to the 2010 Census numbers, which indicated a change in population numbers among the districts. To ensure even population distribution, the commissioners voted to change the district lines slightly. The new district map can be viewed here:  Redistrict Map Zoned in 2012

On-Site Wastewater System/Septic System Inspections

Effective October 11th, 2011, all sellers of properties with on-site wastewater systems (septic systems), except for agricultural exempted properties, must have their on-site wastewater system inspected by a South Dakota DENR Certified Wastewater Installer.  The installer must be licensed with Meade County, and the tank must be pumped at or within 6 months of the closing date of the sale.  A written inspection report must be completed by this inspector and a copy must be filed with the Equalization/Planning Department.  Properties classified for property tax purposes as agricultural land and which are intended for primarily agricultural use, are exempt from this requirement.

The form to be filed may be downloaded here:  Time of Sale Inspection Form

Revised Ordinances

The following ordinances have recently been revised:

The second readings for each of these ordinances was held on September 6th, 2011, and the revised ordinances went into effect October 11th, 2011.