Final Environmental Impact Statement Released for the Mountain Pine Beetle Response Project

Release Date: Sep 20, 2012

Contact(s): Craig Bobzien, (605) 673-9200

Custer, SD - Black Hills National Forest Supervisor, Craig Bobzien, announces the release of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Mountain Pine Beetle Response project.


Meade County Fire Danger for Sunday, September 23, 2012

Prairie Area - Central (Meade County)

Fires start quickly, spread furiously, and burn intensely. All fires are potentially serious. Development into high intensity burning will usually be faster and occur from smaller fires than in the very high fire danger class. Direct attack is rarely possible and may be dangerous except immediately after ignition. Fires that develop headway in heavy slash or in conifer strands may be unmanageable while the extreme burning condition lasts. Under these conditions the only effective and safe control action is on the flanks until the weather changes or the fuel supply lessens.

Black Hills Area - Central Hills (Meade County)

Fires start easily from all caused and , immediately after ignition, spread rapidly and increase quickly in intensity. Spot fires are a constant danger. Fires burning in light fuels may quickly develop high intensity characteristics such as long-distance spotting and fire whirlwinds when they burn into heavier fuels.

Meade County Fire Danger for Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fires start easily from all caused and , immediately after ignition, spread rapidly and increase quickly in intensity. Spot fires are a constant danger. Fires burning in light fuels may quickly develop high intensity characteristics such as long-distance spotting and fire whirlwinds when they burn into heavier fuels.