Request for Proposal - 2013/2014 - Meade County "Cut and Chunk" Program

Request for Proposal

2013/2014 - Meade County “Cut and Chunk” Program







General Project Description: This Request for Proposal is for “cutting and chunking” trees currently infested with Mountain Pine Beetle on U.S. Forest Service lands in Meade County, South Dakota. The “cutting and chunking” project is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Forest Service, the State of South Dakota, and Meade County. Tree marking and/or cutting for the project shall commence on September 15, 2013. It is estimated that tree cutting and chunking shall commence on October 1, 2013. The deadline for the completion of this project is March 1, 2014.  Contractor(s) shall be required to treat any infested tree that is designated for this project within the time period of the contract.

Project Specifications:  The Contractor(s) must comply with the Mountain Pine Beetle Agreement between Meade County and United States Forest Service (USFS). (Attachment A) The Contractor(s) must comply with Mountain Pine Beetle Agreement between Meade County and SD Department of Agriculture (SDDA). (Attachment B)  Contractor(s) will adhere to the most stringent requirements between the USFS and the SDDA.

Project proposal is based on per-tree for marking, cutting, chunking, brushing, and reporting.  

Contractor(s) will receive no pay for trees or coordinates located/marked, but not completely cut to specifications.  Contractor(s) will receive no pay for work not approved by Meade County, SDDA, and USFS.  Contractor(s) will receive no pay for trees cut which do not meet the minimum definition of an infected tree, as defined by agreements between Meade County, SD, and USFS.  Contractor(s) will receive no pay for trees cut outside its work unit boundary, as determined by Meade County.

Contractor will provide weekly reports of areas treated.  A penalty fee of 20% may be withheld pending discovery of any penalties.

Project will terminate when all designated project sites have been treated, or on March 1, 2014, whichever is sooner.

Meade County will assign project sites to the successful bidder, in which all work must be completed prior to commencing work in a new project site.  If the successful bidder does not demonstrate sufficient progress in completing the work, Meade County reserves the right to use other contractors in designated work areas.

Project Area: The project area includes various sites found on USFS lands throughout Meade County, South Dakota. Depending on project costs and available funding, it is estimated that between 14,000 - 20,000 infested trees shall be cut and chunked.  A prospectus map of potential cutting areas is attached. (Attachment C)

Contractor(s) will report to a project site as designated by Meade County. The trees shall be identified with either red or pink paint. There will be two breast height marks, one on the downhill side and one on the uphill side of the tree. There will be no butt marks on the trees.

The tally of the number of trees as counted and inspected by a project site administrator shall be used to determine payment amount.

Cut and Chunk Criteria: The Contractor shall fell designated trees, cut the limbs from the felled trees, and cut the felled trees into two (2) foot lengths to a four inch top. Only ponderosa pine trees are designated for cutting. No other species of tree may be cut except for the purposes of treating slash.

All slash will be brushed to lie within twenty-four (24) inches of the ground surface. The term “slash” means all debris resulting from tree felling. All trees must be felled by sawing. Pushing trees over with machinery and then cutting them off is not permitted.

All slash within three hundred (300) feet of a residential structure and/or within 1⁄2 mile from a community shall be brushed to lie eighteen (18) inches or less from the ground.

The cut and chunk criteria is subject to modification during the course of the project. Per tree compensation will be adjusted accordingly and reflected in contractor agreements.

Stream course Protection: Stream courses which are subject to this provision will be shown on a project map (will be provided as necessary). Unless otherwise agreed, the following measures shall be observed to protect stream courses:

Contractor’s operations shall be conducted to prevent debris from entering stream courses. In the event Contractor causes debris to enter stream courses in an amount which may adversely affect the natural flow of the stream, water quality or fishery resource, Contractor shall remove such debris as soon as practicable, but not to exceed 48 hours, and in an agreed upon manner that will cause the least disturbance to the stream course.

Hiking Trails/Roads: All chunks and slash resulting from work must be removed from hiking trails/roads and the trails/roads kept completely clear at all times. All chunks and slash resulting from work must be removed from roads, ditches and, road right of ways and kept completely clear at all times.

Improvements: The Contractor shall protect any man-made improvements and will be responsible for the cost of any damages incurred to such improvements. This includes, but is not limited, to roads, road ditches, power lines, trails, structures, etc.

Snow Removal: Contractors are not allowed to conduct any snow removal from roads to better access infested trees. County, to the extent possible, will facilitate any snow removal allowed.

Time Period: All cutting and chunking shall be completed by March 1, 2014. The Contractor’s service under this Agreement shall commence on September 15, 2013, and end March 1, 2014.

Request for Proposal Procedure: Proposals can be submitted, using the enclosed form, to the Meade County Commission Office, 1300 Sherman Street STE 212, Sturgis, SD 57785. Proposal envelopes shall be clearly labeled “2013/2014 Meade County Cut and Chunk Program - Sealed Proposal” and shall be received at the above address no later than 5:00 p.m., MDT, on Friday, August 23, 2013.

Offerors must indicate how many trees its organization can treat according to specifications provided herein in the required time frame. 

Breakdown of Work between Contractors: It is likely that multiple independent contractors will provide services as part of the overall project. Accordingly, project areas will be designated and assigned as deemed appropriate by Meade County.

Termination of Agreement: Funding for the 2013/2014 Meade County MPB Project is subject to available funding and other circumstances not directly within the control of Meade County. Accordingly, any agreement may be terminated by Meade County at any time, with or without notice and for any reason.

The CONTRACTOR, at all times shall obtain and maintain in force insurance coverage of the types and with the limits as follows:

Commercial General Liability Insurance: The Contractor(s) shall maintain occurrence based commercial general liability insurance or equivalent form with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence. If such insurance contains a general aggregate limit, it shall apply separately to the agreement entered between contractor and County or be no less than two times the occurrence limit.

Business Automobile Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain business automobile liability insurance or equivalent form with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 for each accident. Such insurance shall include coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall procure and maintain Workers’ Compensation and employer’s liability insurance as required by South Dakota law.

Certificates of Insurance: Before beginning work, the Contractor shall furnish the County with properly executed Certificates of Insurance which shall clearly evidence all insurance required and which provide that such insurance shall not be canceled, except on 30 days’ prior written notice to the County. Contractor shall furnish copies of insurance policies if requested by the County.

Contractor agrees to report to the County any event encountered in the course of performance of work as part of the project which results in injury to the person or property of third parties, or which may otherwise subject Contractor or County to liability. Contractor shall report any such event to the County immediately upon discovery. Contractor’s obligation under this section shall only be to report the occurrence of any event to the County and make any other report provided for by contractor’s duties or applicable law. Contractor’s obligation to report shall not require disclosure of any information subject to privilege or confidentiality under law (e.g. attorney/client communications). Reporting to the County under this section shall not excuse or satisfy any obligation of Contractor to report any event to law enforcement or other entities under the requirements of any applicable law.

Debarment Provision: Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion. By signing and submitting this proposal, the Contractor certifies that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation, by any Federal department or agency, from transactions involving the use of Federal funds. Where the Contractor is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification the offerer shall attach an explanation to its proposal.

Compliance with Law: The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, ordinances, guidelines, permits and requirements applicable to providing services as part of the project, and will be solely responsible for obtaining current information on such requirements.

Non-Discrimination Statement: Meade County requires that all contractors, vendors, and suppliers doing business with any department of the County provide a statement of non-discrimination. By signing and submitting its proposal, the offeror certifies it does not discriminate in its employment practices with regard to race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, ancestry, national origin or disability.

Proprietary Information: The proposal of the successful offeror(s) shall become public information. Proprietary information can be protected under limited circumstances such as client lists and non-public financial statements. Pricing and service elements are not considered proprietary. An entire proposal may not be marked as proprietary. Offerors must clearly identify and mark in the body of the proposal any specific proprietary information it is requesting to be protected. The offeror(s) must provide specific written justification explaining why the information is to be protected. Proposals may be reviewed and evaluated by any person at the discretion of the County. All materials submitted become the property of Meade County and may be returned only at the County’s option.



After determining that a proposal satisfies the mandatory requirements stated in the Request for Proposal, the evaluator(s) shall use subjective judgment in conducting a comparative assessment of the proposal by considering each of the following criteria:

  1.  Cost
  2. Experience and Reliability 
  3. Expertise of Personnel
  4. Method of Performance

Experience and reliability of the offeror’s organization are considered subjectively in the evaluation process. Therefore, the offeror is advised to submit any information which documents successful and reliable experience in past performances, especially those performance related to the requirements of this RFP.

The qualifications of the personnel proposed by the offeror to perform the requirements of this RFP, whether from the offeror’s organization or from a proposed subcontractor, will be subjectively evaluated. Therefore, the offeror should submit detailed information related to the experience and qualifications, including education and training, of proposed personnel.

The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, waive technicalities, and make award(s) as deemed to be in the best interest of Meade County.

Award: Representatives from the County and the highest ranked offeror shall mutually discuss and refine the scope of services for the project and shall negotiate terms, including compensation and performance schedule.

If the County and highest ranked offeror are unable for any reason to negotiate a contract at a compensation level that is reasonable and fair to the County, the County shall, either orally, or in writing, terminate negotiations with the offeror. The County may then negotiate with the next highest ranked offeror.

The negotiation process may continue through successive offerors, according to County ranking, until an agreement is reached or the County terminates the contracting process.

Request for Proposal - 2013-2014 Meade County MPB Cut and Chunk Program

Proposal Item # Schedule of Proposal Items Price Per Tree ($) ________

Maximum Number of Trees Contractor can treat within required time period: _______

By submission of this proposal, the offeror certifies that the prices in this proposal have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purposes of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other offeror or with any competitor; and, that no attempt has been made, or will be made by the offeror to induce any other person or firm to submit, or not submit, a proposal for that purpose of restricting competition.

Offeror’s Name:_______________________________________________


Phone Number: _______________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________ 

Weed and Pest Board Meeting



Date:       THURSDAY JULY 25, 2013  5:00 PM








  • 2013 CONTRACTS