Meade County Commission Meeting (Wednesday, January 28, 2015)
Generated by Lisa G Schieffer on Thursday, January 29, 2015
Members present
Alan Aker, Linda Rausch, Robert Heidgerken, Bob Bertolotto and Galen Niederwerder.
1. Call to Order at 8:30 AM
Procedural: A. Pledge of Allegiance
Procedural: B. Prayer
2. Routine Business
Discussion, Information: A. Opportunity for Public Comment
Action, Discussion: B. Items from Elected Officials
The Commission would like the record to reflect that a special event tax committee has been appointed.
3. Items from Commission
Action, Discussion: A. Communiqué to Commission
Action, Discussion: B. Agreement with Meade School District
Motion to go into executive session due to negotiations. Jerry Derr and Kirk Chaffee present.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Bertolotto.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Heidgerken.
Nay: Rausch.
Motion to go out of executive and return to regular session.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Motion to adopt the Memorandum of Understanding for revenue sharing with the Meade 46-1 School District.
The Meade County Tax Increment District # 1 comprises of two organized school districts, Meade 46-1 and Newell 9-2. This agreement is exclusive to the Meade 46-1 School District. The primary objective of this agreement is to lessen the perceived impact to the Meade 46-1 School District from the formation of a Tax Increment Finance District. Meade County will provide the Meade School District an annual grant payment in the amount of taxes collected for the growth portions of the TIFD that are due to increased assessed valuations not related to new construction.
The allocation shall be calculated each December and shall be deposited into special account titled “New School Construction Grant” or equivalent. This shall be done in a matter consistent with other disbursements made by the County to the School District. The County will allocate to the School District, from funds deposited into the Meade County Tax Increment Finance District #1 (TIFD #1) account, a sum equal to the following:
Valuation increases on existing land and structures within both the TIFD and that portion of the School District within the TIFD, multiplied by the School District's capital outlay levy and pension levy.
The allocation shall be calculated each year by the Meade County Auditor and shall be based on valuation increases and the two above-referenced school district levies for that year. This allocation shall be in effect for the duration of the TIFD.
The allocation shall not include valuation increases on structures constructed after December 10, 2014. The allocation shall not include valuation increases on land within the TIFD that changes classification from agricultural (Ag) for property tax purposes to nonagricultural (Non-Ag) or commercial (Other) for property tax purposes.
Disbursements shall be used by the school in a manner consistent with the intent of building capital improvements to new or existing structures within the school district. Disbursements into the “New School Construction Grant” or equivalent fund shall be approved by both the County and the School District.
Disbursements for the taxes collected for the Meade School District in the County may be distributed by the 20th of each month, through the apportionment process. Said disbursements shall be designed to meet the financial accounting and reporting requirements of generally accepted accounting principles.
Dated this January 28th, 2015
/s/ Alan Aker
Meade County Chairman of the Board
Meade School District
Motion by Heidgerken, second by Bertolotto.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action, Discussion: C. Final Changes to Discretionary Formula
Motion to adopt the Resolution on Discretionary Formula.
WHEREAS, The Meade County Commission has currently adopted a “discretionary
formula” for the assessment of certain structures in Meade County.
WHEREAS, SDCL 10-6-35.2 authorizes the board of county commissioners, at its discretion,
to adopt any formula for assessment of specifically classified structures.
WHEREAS, SDCL 10-6-35.2 states the formula may include for any or all of the five
tax years following construction all, any portion or none of the assessed valuation for tax
WHEREAS, the South Dakota Department of Revenue and Regulation’s formula recognizes
the local effort to the extent of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% for the 5 year period.
WHEREAS, the current discretionary formula allows the level of assessment for all
qualifying structures to be 0% of assessed value for the 1st year, 0% for the 2nd, 0% for
the 3rd, 0% for the 4th and 0% of assessed value for the 5th year.
WHEREAS, the county hopes all eligible will avail themselves of the formula and exercise
their responsibility to apply.
WHEREAS, with the exception of SDCL 10-6-35.21, the discretionary formula will not
be available to those structures within any Tax Increment Finance District.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Meade County Board of Commissioners hereby
adopts a new discretionary formula as authorized by SDCL 10-6-35.2 for those structures
specifically classified pursuant to SDCL 10-6-35.1, 10-6-35.19, 10-6-35.21, 10-6-35.22,
and 10-6-35.25. The level of assessment for the above listed specifically classified structures,
outside a Tax Increment Finance District, shall be 0% of assessed value for the 1st
year, 0% for the 2nd, 0% for the 3rd, 0% for the 4th, and 0% of assessed value for the
5th year. The same discretionary formula shall be applied to those structures specially
classified pursuant to SDCL 10-6-35.21 located within a Tax Increment Finance District.
The resolution shall be applied beginning the 2016 assessment year.
Dated this 5th day of January, 2015
/s/ Alan Aker
Alan Aker
Chairman, Meade County Commission
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action, Discussion: D. Letter To SEDC
Motion to authorize Chairman to sign the letter.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Niederwerder.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken
Action, Discussion: E. Change Current Policy on Commission Minutes
Motion to repeal the minute taking presently used and replace that with detailed minutes by the Auditor.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Niederwerder.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Heidgerken.
Nay: Aker, Rausch.
Motion to add voice recordings of Commission minutes to BoardDocs.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Heidgerken.
Motion Fails. Yea: Bertolotto, Aker.
Nay: Niederwerder, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action, Discussion: F. Communication with SDDOT on Road Projects
Action, Discussion: G. County Public Service Announcements
Motion to approve distribution of educational material on the TIF District that we are voting on. Said information can be made by mail or radio. It would go to Meade County residents after approval of the Meade County Commission and a person or persons from the community, before it is made public. Not to exceed $7,500 and to be paid from the Commission Contingency Fund.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Niederwerder.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Bertolotto, Aker, Heidgerken.
Nay: Niederwerder, Rausch.
4. Items from Highway Superintendent
Action, Discussion: A. Brosz Engineering - Fort Meade Way
5. Items from Auditor
Information: A. CPI for 2016
Information: B. Year End Information - Annual Report
6. Dinner Break @ Noon
Minutes: A. Recess for Dinner Break
7. Public Hearings @ 1PM
Action, Discussion: A. Fuel Bids for Highway Department
Motion to approve bid of CBH Cooperative.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action, Discussion: B. Transfer of a Retail on-off Sale Malt Beverage License
Motion to approve the transfer from Mary Kathryn Driggs to Katmandu Enterprises, LLC.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Rausch.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action, Discussion: C. First Reading of a Nuisance Ordinance for Thomas and Jill Dworshak Property
Motion to approve the first reading.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Rausch.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Motion to set a second reading for February 25th @ 1:00.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Aker.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
8. Scheduled Items
Action, Discussion: A. Volunteer Firefighters Association
Action, Discussion: B. Resolution - Butte Electric
9. Items from Equalization and Planning
Action, Discussion, Information: A. Veteran's Exemptions
Motion to approve the veteran's exemptions for 2015/2016 and approve the veteran's exemption for a 2014 registered MH tax bill.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Niederwerder.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries.
Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action, Discussion, Information: B. Formal Request to Improve a Section Line from Frontier Loop to Deerview Road
Motion to set a public hearing for February 25 @ 1:00 p.m.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action: C. Set a "First Reading" for a Proposed Nuisance Ordinance for the Nancy Hilding Property
Motion to set a first reading for February 25 @ 1:00 p.m.
Motion by Bertolotto, second by Niederwerder.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
10. Items from Commission Assistant
Action, Discussion: A. 2015 Legislative Updates
Action, Discussion: B. Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2 (1)
Motion for executive session due to personnel matters.
Motion by Aker, second by Bertolotto.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Motion to come out of executive session and return to regular session.
Motion by Rausch, second by Aker.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
11. Consent Calendar
Action, Discussion: A. Motion to Approve Consent Calendar
Motion to approve items on Consent Calendar
Motion by Heidgerken, second by Rausch.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Action (Consent): B. Claims for Payment
COMMISSIONERS: G Niederwerder $81.40, SD Retailers $16.25, BHWG $341.10, Dakota Business Center $150.92, Gunderson, Palmer $1052.50
JUDICIAL: J Beste-Lewton $55.92, Grocery Mart $11.97, D Hunt $12.22, M Pitsor $68.50, D Creed $10.74, K Plooster $66.28, G Fisher $85.48, G Torpey $63.32, S Townsend $10.74, R Bakken $59.62, C Talley $12.22, Rapid Reporting $47.60, M McGinnis $127.70, Pizza Ranch $177.71, J Staley $51.48, K Miller $138.80, R Hrachovec $65.54, T Mckenzie $50.74, K Beck $65.54, N Bestgen $55.92, D Brown $10.74, T Cole $53.70, R Everson $66.28, R Fisher $87.70, M Haag $21.10, J Karsten $10.74, G Larson $52.22, T Meints $51.48, J Merfeld $21.84, L Nissen $61.10, M Sipma $75.90, N Skouge $62.58, R Smith $12.96, D Utter $32.20, B Wagner $61.84, S Weber $61.10, A Wildberger $50.74, J Williams $50.74, T Bartels $10.74, L Birk $10.00, L Blake $64.80, S Bryant $22.58, R Bucholz $62.58, G Deters $10.74, D Duprel $67.02, D Enright $16.66, T Ferguson $50.74, V Gibeau $72.20, P Goettle $64.80, M Gunderson $22.58, G Haase $51.48, L Jung $31.46, M Kampfe $64.80, K Laverack $24.80, K Lechtenberg $21.84, K Leslie $62.58, J McCloud $27.02, M Potter $12.22, V Robertson $12.96, P Sanderson $10.74, T Schone $10.74, R Snyder $17.40, J Steffes $28.50, D Weeks $24.06, L Wilburn $24.06
AUDITOR: SD Retailers $3.25
TREASURER: SD Retailers $3.25, NADA Appraisal Guides $75.00, Pitney Bowes $980.46, Pitney Bowes $5000.00
STATE’S ATTORNEY: J Carlson $45.35, City of RC $1120.00, L Havemeier $19.20, K Kirschenmann $100.00, C Harkins $214.05, M Schoeberl $40.72, State Treas. $100.00
ABUSED & NEGLECTED: BHWG $30.20, Wilde/Hunt $1821.82
COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY: J Stielow $218.37, J Hilpert $7392.67, Oswald Law $608.75, R Haivala $2700.85, Pederson $663.35, R Hymans $198.91, Kinney Law $1298.70
GENERAL GOV BUILDING: Ecolab $403.46, Johnson Controls $233.00
DIRECTOR OF EQUALIZATION: L Quam $65.12, Verizon $993.63, A&B Business Equip. $350.87, T Wieczorek $88.80, W McCarty $68.08, SD Retailers $6.50, Sand Creek Printing $183.75, R Mallow $65.12, F Watson $11.10, SDPA $50.00
REGISTER OF DEEDS: SD Retailers $3.25, Rushmore Office $153.00
HUMAN RESOURCES: SD Retailers $6.50
SHERIFF: Jacobs Auto Repair $187.23, Richters Tire $41.12, Hersrud $40.68, State Treas. $35.00, Centurylink $85.28, Xerox $264.31, Thomson Reuters $270.00
JAIL: BH Embroidery $60.00, BH Chemical $388.28, BH Family Practice $34.00, Ecolab $110.00, US Foodservice $1450.98, Shopko Pharmacy $114.77, Earthgrains $181.01, Cash-Wa $858.70, Locks By Bernie $12.00, Penn Co. Sheriff $1134.00, Rushmore Office $51.08
JDC: WSDJDC $450.00
MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD: Audra Malcomb Consulting $1312.15, Penn Co. States Atty. $215.00
WEED AND PEST: Sturgis Napa $144.90, Campbell Supply $10.65, W&P Conference $160.00 Servall $39.56
HIGHWAY: A&B Welding $34.50, 3-D Specialties $752.75, Sturgis Napa $106.70, BHP&L $379.59, Butler Machinery $17.66, Rockmount Research $284.92, First Interstate $188.68, Dakota Business Center $74.69, John Deere Financial $1923.37, CBH Coop $85.75, Grand Electric $317.88, Great Western Tire $906.00, Godfrey Brake $2406.21, S Tegethoff $190.09, Scott Peterson Motors $9.69, Nebraska Salt $2562.70, RPM Machine $150.00, Inland Truck Parts $96.46, Jenner Equip. $1320.28, Lab Corp of America $22.50, Lyle Signs $3314.44, O’Reilly Auto $463.72, Owens $45.62, Adams $908.15, Rushmore Office $202.19, Servall $170.17, Sheehan Mack $1798.80
COMMUNICATIONS: Microsoft Corp $732.00, Centurylink $1580.40, Xerox $385.13
24/7 SOBRIETY FUND: Rushmore Office $12.99
LAW LIBRARY: Thomson Reuters $360.00
MPB: A Gore $3180.00
Action (Consent), Minutes: C. Minutes
January 15, 2015 regular Commission meeting.
Action (Consent), Minutes: D. Minutes
January 5, 2015 special Commission meeting
Action (Consent), Minutes: E. Minutes
December 23, 2014 regular Commission meeting
Motion to go into executive session due to personnel.
Motion by Commissioner Niederwerder, second by Commissioner Aker.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
Motion to go out of executive session and return to regular session.
Motion by Rausch, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Niederwerder, Bertolotto, Aker, Rausch, Heidgerken.
12. Adjourn
Action, Procedural: A. Adjourn the Meeting
Alan Aker, Chairman
Lisa Schieffer, Auditor
Published once at the approximate total cost of ______.