Meade County Commission Meeting (Tuesday, January 3, 2017)
Members present
Galen Niederwerder, Linda Rausch, Robert Heidgerken, Doreen Creed and Ted Seaman.
1. Oath of Office @ 8 AM
Procedural: A. Oath of Office
2. Call to Order at 8:30 AM
Procedural: A. Pledge of Allegiance
Procedural: B. Prayer
3. Reorganization of Board
Action, Discussion: A. Selection of Board Chairperson
Commissioner Heidgerken nominated Galen Niederwerder for Chairman. There being no further nominations:
Motion was made that the nomination cease and a unanimous ballot be cast for Galen Niederwerder for Chairman.
Motion by Heidgerken, second by Creed.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: B. Selection of Board Vice-Chairperson
Commissioner Heidgerken nominated Linda Rausch for Vice-Chairman. There being no further nominations:
Motion was made that nominations cease and unanimous ballot be cast for Linda Rausch for Vice-Chairman.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Seaman.
Abstain: Creed.
4. Planning Board Appointments
Action, Discussion: A. Planning Board Applicants
The following five (5) applicants applied: Kaye Andrews, Charlie Wheeler, Frank Watson, Rich Liggett and Jesse Rhoden. Nominations were sought for two (2) appointments to the Planning Board (3 year term).
Commissioner Rausch nominated Frank Watson.
Commissioner Creed nominated Rich Liggett.
A privacy vote was taken with Watson receiving the highest vote.
Commissioner Creed nominated Charlie Wheeler.
Commissioner Rausch nominated Rich Liggett.
Commissioner Niederwerder nominated Kaye Andrews.
A privacy vote was taken with Liggett receiving the highest vote.
Motion to appoint Frank Watson and Rich Liggett to the Meade County Planning Board (3 year term).
Motion by Rausch, second by Seaman.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
5. Commission
Action, Discussion: A. Set Commission Meeting Dates
Motion to approve the 2017 meeting dates as amended.
Motion by Rausch, second by Creed.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: B. Set Commission Rate of Pay - FY2017
Motion to eliminate healthcare and dental coverage for all part-time elected officials for 2017. Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion by Commissioner Rausch, second none.
Motion to approve the rate of pay for the Meade County Commission for FY2017 as budgeted.
Motion by Heidgerken, second by Creed.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: C. Set Mileage Rate for 2017
Motion to set mileage rate for the County at .54 cents.
Motion by Heidgerken, second by Seaman.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: D. Set rate of Pay for Planning, Weed & Pest Boards and MPO Committee
Motion to set the rate of pay @ $100.00 per meeting (plus mileage) for the Planning Board, Weed & Pest Board and MPO Committee.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: E. Adopt the Primary and Secondary Legal Papers of Meade County
Motion to approve the Meade County Times and Faith Independent as the primary/secondary legal papers for Meade County.
Motion by Rausch, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: F. Liaison / Committee / Board Appointments for 2017
Motion to appoint David Grimsbo to the five (5) year term for Housing & Redevelopment Board.
Motion by Niederwerder, second by Creed.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Motion to appoint Doreen Creed to the Housing and Redevelopment Board.
Motion by Seaman, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Motion to approve the 2017 Liaison/Committee Board Appointments:
Commission Liaison to County Offices
- Commissioner Niederwerder (Auditor | HR Commission Office | State's Attorney)
- Commissioner Rausch (Register of Deeds | Extension )
- Commissioner Heidgerken (Weed & Pest | Planning Board | Highway)
- Commissioner Seaman (Treasurer | Equalization and Planning)
- Commissioner Creed (Sheriff | Facilities)
Community Action
- Connie Burditt
- Charlie Wheeler*(pending)
- Deb Looby (Community Action appointment)
Ellsworth Development Authority (Executive Committee)
- Commissioner Heidgerken
- Kirk Chaffee
- Bill Rich
Elk Creek / Tri-County Conservation
- Commissioner Niederwerder
Faith Stock Show
- Commissioner Niederwerder
- Colt Haines - President
Grant Committee
- Lisa Schieffer
- Jerry Derr
- Angella Sutton
- Nathan Jagim
Joint Fire/Ambulance Hazmat/Communications Committee
- Commissioner Creed
- Commissioner Heidgerken
- Sheriff Ron Merwin
- Chief Geody VanDewater
- Angella Sutton
Juvenile Detention Center
- Commissioner Creed
- Sheriff Ron Merwin
Meade County Fair Board
- Commissioner Seaman
- Commissioner Heidgerken
- Matt Trask - President
- Ron Adams - Vice President
- Jim Neill - Treasurer
- Vonda Andersen - Secretary
- Pat Casteel
- Ryan Casteel
- Amy Karrels
- Heidi Komes
- Shilo LaMont
- Sierra Mahaffy
- Connie McPherson
- Elizabeth McPherson
- Misty Reedy
- Tacy Snyder
Meade County Housing & Redevelopment
- Brett Lynass - Chairman (term ends 12/31/2020)
- David Grimsbo - (term ends 12/31/21)
- Barry Furze - (term ends 12/31/18)
- Linda Lensegrav - (term ends 12/31/17)
- Doreen Creed (term ends 12/31/19)
Mental Illness
- John Hughes - (term ends 12/31/17)
- Pamela Kennedy - (term ends 12/31/17)
- Dan Meyer - Alternate (term ends 12/31/17)
- Chuck Valades - Alternate (term ends 12/31/17)
Metropolitan Planning Committee Executive
- Commissioner Rausch
- Commissioner Heidgerken
MPO Citizens Advisory Committee
- John Boylan / Matt Kammerer
Meade Planning Board
- Commissioner - Heidgerken
- Commissioner - Seaman
- San Monahan - (term ends 12/31/17)
- Leota Quam - (term ends 12/31/17)
- Talbot Wieczorek - (term ends 12/31/19)
- Robert Mallow - (term ends 12/31/18)
- Rich Liggett – (term ends 12/31/19)
- Frank Watson – (term ends 12/31/19)
Rally Committee (2017)
- Commissioner Creed
- Commissioner Rausch
- Ron Merwin
- Rhea Crane
- Jerry Derr
Black Hills Council of Local Governments
- Commissioner Rausch
- Commissioner Niederwerder
Sick Leave Bank Committee
- Commissioner Rausch
- Lisa Schieffer
- Jerry Derr
Sturgis Chamber of Commerce
Sturgis Economic Development Corporation
- Commissioner Niederwerder
- Kirk Chaffee
Sturgis Library Board
Weed and Pest Board
- Commissioner Heidgerken
- District 1 - Dave Fischbach - Secretary (term ends 12/31/17)
- District 2 – Kenneth Lee – Chairman (term ends 12/31/16)*(pending)
- District 3 - Alan Olson - (term ends 12/31/17)
- District 4 - Jim Schroeder - (term ends 12/31/18)
Motion by Rausch, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: G. Change to County Policy on Holiday Pay
Chairman Niederwerder deferred the matter to the next meeting.
Action, Discussion: H. Contract with State of SD for Public Health Nurse
Chairman Niederwerder deferred the matter to the next meeting.
Action, Discussion: I. Media Contact for Commission Reports
6. Treasurer
Discussion: A. Bank Depository Solicitation
Motion to approve the Bank Depository Solicitation.
WHEREAS the Meade County Treasurer is responsible for the safekeeping of county monies, the investment of county monies and the availability of county monies,
AND WHEREAS the County Treasurer must work in close cooperation with the County Auditor and County Commissioners,
AND WHEREAS the County Treasurer wishes for the input of the County Commissioners in administering these duties,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED according to SDCL 4-5-8 and SDCL 7-20-13, the Meade County Commissioners designate that the County Treasurer use Pioneer Bank as the main depository and that she use financial institutions located within Meade County forCertificate ofDeposits,
AND that the County Treasurer invest in savings accounts, certificate of deposits, and US treasury bonds as she finds advantageous in the interest of county monies,
AND that all interest earned, be deposited into the County’s general fund.
Dated this 3rd day of January, 2017.
/s/ Galen Niederwerder_________________________
Galen Niederwerder, CHAIRMAN
ATTEST: _/s/ Lisa Schieffer_________________________
Motion by Rausch, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action, Discussion: B. Uncollected Distress Warrants
Action, Discussion: C. Unpaid Tax List
7. Auditor
Action: A. Set rate of Pay for Election Workers for 2017
Motion to approve the following rates of pay for election workers:
$50.00 for election school
$150.00 for election day
$10.00 for cell phone usage for election purposes
Mileage @ rate set currently by the Commission.
Motion by Seaman, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
8. Consent Calendar
Action, Discussion: A. Motion to Approve Consent Calendar
Motion to approve remaining items on Consent Calendar.
Motion by Rausch, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action (Consent): B. Auditor's Report/Treasurer's Report
*moved to January 25th meeting.
Action, Discussion: C. SDSU MOU for 4-H Youth Advisor
Action (Consent): D. Register of Deeds Report
December 2016 in the amount of $37,235.20.
Action (Consent): E. Claims for Payment
SALARIES: Commissioners $7270.35, Auditor $12759.22, Treasurer $21103.31, States Attorney $32435.28, Maint. $25170.84, DOE $37276.01, ROD $13464.42, Vet Svcs $4589.87, HR $9242.93, Sheriff $93959.11, Jail $70443.80, FW $9493.08, W&P $8633.46, Hwy $83497.81, Comm. $26439.33
COMMISSIONERS: R Heidgerken $110.16, L Rausch $178.85, G Niederwerder $582.12, BHWG $457.82, A Aker $18.20
JUDICIAL SYSTEM: R Housman $76.88, P Dominguez $52.52, T James $50.84, S Kendall $67.64, C McBride $71.00, C Mercy $65.12, S Rupe $71.00
STATES ATTORNEY: Weld County $20.00
COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY: J Stielow $176.19, Barnaud $1173.90, Kinney Law $508.80, Hilpert & Hale $726.80, Nordstrom $456.28
GENERAL GOV BUILDING: Sturgis Water $1957.47
REGISTER OF DEEDS: McLeod’s Printing $111.80, Raco $101.84
SHERIFF: Jacobs Auto Repair $101.78, Richters Tire $60.00, Dales Tire $550.00, Scott Peterson $37.45, WABR $327.42, Vast $59.80
JAIL: Midcontinent $47.07
MENTALLY ILL: Redfield $60.00
MENTAL ILLNESS BOARD: Behavior Mgmt $375.00, Yankton Co. Treas. $255.50, G Mikelson $269.61
WEED AND PEST CONTROL: McGas Propane $764.11, Vast $47.31
COMMUNICATIONS: Golden West Tele $593.54, Hansen Law $172.70, Creative Products $91.85, Western Comm. $840.00, Xerox $360.91
DEPT. OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: BHE $55.20, Verizon $484.09, KRCS $40.00
VARIOUS FUNDS: Norwest Bank, matching Social Security $31793.61, SD Retirement System, matching retirement $27042.52, county share of health and life insurance $123204.55.
Action (Consent): F. Disaster Declaration
Motion to approve the Disaster Declaration.
Motion by Creed, second by Heidgerken.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries. Yea: Rausch, Heidgerken, Niederwerder, Creed, Seaman.
Action (Consent), Minutes: G. Minutes
Regular Commission minutes from December 28, 2016.
Action (Consent): H. Personnel Actions
To eliminate the annual projected salaries for all the part-time employees and list their pay by per-hour compensation.
**Note: The wages on the table below represent the employee's base annual wage in their respective pay grade that matches the 2017 wage scale. Any benefit pay (longevity, for example) is not considered part of the annual base salary for classification and pay purposes and therefore is calculated separate from the base wage and added to an employee's paycheck on top of their base wage after all deductions required by law are made. Annual salaries are calculated at 2080 hours.
January 2017 Wages
Effective 12/26/2016
Full-time employees (FTE) = 111
Elected = 10
Part-time (PTE) = 16
Short-term (STE) = 9 (includes 2 temporary employees in 4-H Office)
Board (BD) = 10
Reserve (RES) = 1
Rally Hires = 35