
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN this 1st day of April 2021 pursuant to SDCL 38-22 as amended to all owners, occupants, agents and public officials in charge of lands in Meade County, South Dakota, that they are responsible for the suppression, control, and eradication of noxious weeds and declared pests infestations that may exist on such lands.

Chemical, biological, and / or cultural control methods used for the suppression, control and eradication of noxious weed and declared pest infestations shall be those approved for such purposes by the Meade County Weed and Pest Supervisor, Agronomy Weed Field Specialist or the South Dakota State University Experiment Station.

Upon failure to observe this notice, the Meade County Weed and Pest Board is required to proceed pursuant to the law and have the noxious weeds or declared pests destroyed by such methods as they may find necessary, the expense of which shall constitute a lien and be entered as a tax against the land and be collected as other real estate taxes are collected, or by other means as provided by law.

Plant and animals designated as being noxious weeds and declared pests in the state of South Dakota are Absinth Wormwood, Canada Thistle, Hoary Cress, Leafy Spurge, Perennial Sow Thistle, Purple Loosestrife, Salt Cedar, and Gypsy Moth.

In addition, Dalmation toadflax and Spotted knapweed have been approved by the South Dakota Weed and Pest Control Commission as locally noxious weeds and are subject to the same suppression, control, and eradication requirements as the before mentioned plants and animals. 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that upon establishing probable cause to believe a noxious weed or declared pest infestation exists upon any property in Meade County, a representative of the Meade County Weed and Pest Control board will enter upon said property without interference or obstruction for the purpose of inspecting and confirming that such infestation exists.  Should the inspection confirm an infestation, remedial action to effectively control said infestation will be required.   

 Published twice at the total approximate cost of .

Tax Certificates held by the Meade County Treasurer - 2021

Tax Certificates .001.jpeg

Current Tax Certificate List (as of 03/08/2021)

*Total dollars owed does not include interest and costs

For more information about the current Tax Certificate list, please call the Meade County Treasurer’s Office at: 605.347.5871

SDCL 10-23-2.   Publication or posting of notice of sale of tax certificate--Reconciliation of published list to tax list. The treasurer shall give notice of the sale of the tax certificate by publication of the sale once during the week before the sale in the official newspapers of the county. If there is no newspaper published in the county, the treasurer shall give notice by written or printed notice posted at the door of the courthouse for two weeks before the sale. The county auditor shall reconcile the published list of unpaid taxes to the unpaid taxes in the tax list.

SDCL 10-23-28.   Sale of tax certificate by county--Price--Tax receipt issued--Rights acquired by purchaser. If any person intends to purchase the interest of the county in the tax certificate acquired by the treasurer for the county, the person may pay to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, penalty, interest, and costs of sale and transfer and all unpaid or subsequent taxes as specified in § 10-23-27. The treasurer shall issue a tax receipt for the taxes, penalty, interest, and costs. The treasurer shall assign and deliver to the purchaser the tax certificate of purchase held by the county for the real property, which assignment and transfer shall convey unto the purchaser all the rights of the county in the tax certificate as much as if the person was the original purchaser at the tax certificate sale.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that if the Meade County Weed and Pest Board has probable cause to believe that the land owned/operated by you has an infestation of declared pests or noxious weeds, SDCL 38-22-23.12 requires that you be notified that an inspection will be made to determine if the suspected area is infested as indicated above.  Therefore, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the inspection will be made by an authorized representative of the Meade County Weed and Pest Board who shall enter the premises without interference or obstruction for purposes of making an investigation of the suspected infected area.  This inspection will be conducted during reasonable business hours.

Plants and animals designated as being noxious weeds and declared pests in the State of South Dakota are Leafy Spurge, Salt Cedar, Perennial Sow Thistle, Russian Knapweed, Hoary Cress, Canada Thistle, Purple Loosestrife, and Gypsy Moth.

In addition, Absinth wormwood, Dalmatian toadflax, and Spotted Knapweed has been approved by the State Weed and Pest Control Commission as locally Noxious Weeds and are subject to the same suppression, control and eradication requirements as the before mentioned plants and animals.

Should the inspection confirm an infestation of noxious weeds or declared pests, remedial action to effectively control the infestation will be required.  You will be notified of the results of this inspection, and any specific remedial action that may be required to remedy the infestation.

s/Nathan Jagim

Meade County Weed and Pest

Published twice at the total approximate cost of ______.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN this 24th day of June, 2019, pursuant to SDCL 38-22 as amended, to all owners, occupants, agents and public officials in charge of lands in Meade County, South Dakota, that they are responsible for the suppression, control, and eradication of noxious weeds and declared pest infestations that may exist on such lands.

Chemical, biological, and/or cultural control methods used for the suppression, control and eradication of noxious weed and declared pest infestations shall be those approved for such purposes by the Meade County Weed and Pest Supervisor, County Agricultural Extension Agent or the South Dakota State University Experiment Station.

Upon failure to observe this notice, the County Weed and Pest Board is required to proceed pursuant to the law and have the noxious weeds or declared pests destroyed by such methods as they may find necessary, the expense of which shall constitute a lien and be entered as a tax against the land, and be collected as other real estate taxes are collected, or by other means as provided by law.

Plants and animals designated as being noxious weeds and declared pests in the State of South Dakota are Leafy Spurge, Salt Cedar, Perennial Sow Thistle, Russian Knapweed, Hoary Cress, Canada Thistle, Purple Loosestrife and Gypsy Moth.

In addition, Absinth wormwood, Dalmatian toadflax, and Spotted Knapweed has been approved by the State Weed and Pest Control Commission as locally Noxious Weeds and are subject to the same suppression, control and eradication requirements as the before mentioned plants and animals.

s/Nathan Jagim

Meade County Weed and Pest

Published twice at the total approximate cost of ______.



A Special Election will be held on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, in all the voting precincts for the Board of Directors of the Rural Ambulance District in Meade County.  If the polls cannot be opened because of bad weather, the election may be postponed one week.

The election polls will be open from seven a.m. to seven p.m. mountain time on the day of the election. 

The polling place for the Board of Directors Rural Ambulance District Election in the county is as follows: 

MEADE COUNTY AUDITOR – ELECTION ROOM 1300 Sherman Street #126, Sturgis SD

Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor at (605) 347-2360 before the election for information on polling place accessibility for people with disabilities. 

/s/ Lisa Schieffer__________________________________ 

Meade County Auditor 

Published twice at a total approximate cost of ___________.