Notes from Commissioner Robert Heidgerken


The Meade County Commission met Wednesday, October 25th for their second regular meeting of the month. Economic development and roads were our main topics of discussion.

We had a good discussion on the discretionary formula which allows no property tax for five years on new construction of commercial or agricultural property over $30,000. No decision was made and the issue will be on the next meeting agenda.      

The revolving loan fund to new businesses through Sturgis Economic Development Cooperation (SEDC) was renewed for five more years.  There is about $140,000 in funds available for loans; contact them if you are interested. 

Load limits on the New Underwood Road were discussed.  Again, no action was taken.  Trucks will not be getting smaller, so about all we can do is try to build better roads which cost more money.  To this end, the Commission approved applying for a matching grant for $9,000,000 to rebuild eight miles on the south end of the New Underwood Road.  Stay tuned to see if the grant is approved.

While it is true that the county consolidated mill levy increased  from 3.906 mills to 4.113 mills, this is only on the county portion of your total tax bill, which makes up 27 cents of the total property tax dollar.  On $100,000 of valuation, this would be an increase of $20.70 per year, or $1.73 per month.  Well, I don’t like taxes any more than you do, but to be able to provide the minimum amount of services you expect, this is what it will cost.

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I’m afraid we wont see much rain before the snow melts.  Pray for some of each.


Robert Heidgerken

District 5 Commissioner