Notes from Linda Rausch - District 3 Commissioner

News from the Meade County Commission Meeting held July 12, 2017

The Meade County Commission met in regular session on Wednesday, July 12.  The day was mostly spent on 2018 budget reviews for the various county departments.  Of course, we are legally and morally obligated to have a balanced budget, and the good things to spend the money on always exceed the available funds.  Therefore, the day was spent talking about what things we can not fund. Generally, the departments were very helpful in sorting through the things that can wait until later or things not to fund at all.  

By the end of the day we were much closer to a balanced budget, but we are not there yet.  The biggest cost challenge is the estimated 30% increase in health care costs.  Also, the need for work on our county roads is always a high dollar item.  We had to cut some big road projects, but the list isn’t finalized. 

We must have a balanced provisional budget for publication by the end on July and the final budget is due in September.  Watch the website and the newspapers for these budgets.  We would love to hear from the folks in Meade County about their thoughts on the budget.  Work will continue on the budget in our July 26th meeting.

In other business, we approved the transfer of the liquor license for the Spur Campground/Barrelhouse Bar to the new owner.  We approved miscellaneous actions by the highway department to move along the road maintenance and repairs for this year and some plans for next year.