On September 18, 2012, the South Dakota Association of County Commissioners awarded Meade County with the following awards:
Commissioner Gary Cammack, Commissioner Robert Heidgerken, Commissioner Vice Chairperson Doreen Creed, Commission Assistant Jerry Derr, Assistant Valerie Martin, Commissioner Chairperson Alan Aker, Commissioner Linda Rausch
"Outstanding County Service Award" to the Meade County Commission for the implementation of BoardDocs. BoardDocs is a web-based system that allows immediate public access to the Commission's meetings, documents, and policies and procedures.
"Outstanding County Service Award" for an employee to Jerry Derr and Valerie Martin for their implementation of a new county website offering the public timely and accurate information regarding county business.
"County Achievement Award - Honorable Mention" to Meade County for their renovation of the Erskine Office Building.
Commissioner Gary Cammack, Commissioner Robert Heidgerken, Highway Superintendent Ken McGirr, Commissioner Chairperson Alan Aker, Commissioner Linda Rausch, Commissioner Vice Chairperson Doreen Creed"Loss Control/Safety Achievement Award - Gold Level" to the Meade County Highway Department.