Tree Limb Clean Up Instructions
Branches should be taken to the drop off sites located on 5th Street next to the Community Center parking lot (paved area) or to South Baldwin, the paved area south of Anna Street. In addition, unpaved collection sites are located at the Exit 32 Recycling area and along Woodland Drive near the Public Works yard. If residents can't move the branches to a drop off site, they need to be piled in the property owners yard. Please understand, it is impossible for the City to move additional branches from curbs, sidewalks and boulevards before the next set of storms which are forecast for this week, Thursday through Monday. When additional rain and snow falls, branches piled in the gutters and along curbs will cause drainage issues which may result in flooding. In addition, snow is forecast for Monday night. If there is a significant amount of snow, limbs along the gutters and curbs will hamper snow removal and emergency access.