Tax Certificates held by the Meade County Treasurer

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Current Tax Certificate List

*Total dollars owed does not include interest and costs

For more information about the current Tax Certificate list, please call the Meade County Treasurer’s Office at: 605.347.5871

SDCL 10-23-2.   Publication or posting of notice of sale of tax certificate--Reconciliation of published list to tax list. The treasurer shall give notice of the sale of the tax certificate by publication of the sale once during the week before the sale in the official newspapers of the county. If there is no newspaper published in the county, the treasurer shall give notice by written or printed notice posted at the door of the courthouse for two weeks before the sale. The county auditor shall reconcile the published list of unpaid taxes to the unpaid taxes in the tax list.

SDCL 10-23-28.   Sale of tax certificate by county--Price--Tax receipt issued--Rights acquired by purchaser. If any person intends to purchase the interest of the county in the tax certificate acquired by the treasurer for the county, the person may pay to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, penalty, interest, and costs of sale and transfer and all unpaid or subsequent taxes as specified in § 10-23-27. The treasurer shall issue a tax receipt for the taxes, penalty, interest, and costs. The treasurer shall assign and deliver to the purchaser the tax certificate of purchase held by the county for the real property, which assignment and transfer shall convey unto the purchaser all the rights of the county in the tax certificate as much as if the person was the original purchaser at the tax certificate sale.