proposed road classification changes

Meade County Commission Meeting to be Held in Faith, SD

On August 15th, 2012, beginning at 10:00 am, the Meade County Commissioners will hold their regularly scheduled meeting at the City Hall in Faith, SD.  One of the topics on the agenda will be to consider proposed road classification changes in the north half of Meade County, recommended by the Transportation Committee, for Meade County maintained roads.  The proposed road classification changes, (changing a Primary Road to a Secondary Road or a Secondary Road to a Primary Road), will not affect the current maintenance of the roads that you travel on.  For more information about the August 15th meeting, call Jerry Derr at 605.720.1625.

Please see the following attachments for further information regarding the proposed road classification changes:

  • North Meade Roads Proposed Road Class Changes Larger MAP (PDF)
  • Proposed Road Class Changes for North Meade (PDF)