Tornado Warning System Test- April 25th

 A statewide tornado drill will be conducted for South Dakota by the National Weather Service between 9:00 and 9:30 am MDT (10:00 and 10:30 am CDT) on Wednesday, April 25.  Because the exercise is used to ensure communications and warning systems are functioning properly before storm season, people will see and hear the alerts used for tornadoes. Outdoor warning sirens will be sounded in many towns.  The sirens may not be heard inside homes and office buildings, as they are intended to alert people who are outdoors away from radio or TV.  The drill will also include activation of the Emergency Alert System, which will interrupt local media broadcasts.  The public should be aware that the scroll on television will look like a real warning, while the audio will be identified as a test. Local emergency response agencies may practice their response procedures and schools will conduct safety drills for their students. Individuals do not need to take any action during the drill, but they are encouraged to make plans to protect themselves and their families before storms develop.  Don’t wait until the storm is headed toward you as there won’t be time.  Information about storm safety is available from county emergency management offices or visit the following web sites: The Rapid City National Weather Service at Black Hills Chapter of the American Red Cross at and the South Dakota Department of Health at

Free FEMA (FIRM) Flood Map Class

The Meade County Equalization & Planning Department will be holding a FREE CLASS on "How to Check and Print a FEMA (FIRM) Flood Map from Your Own Computer".  If you want to learn how to check on a property to determine if it is in a flood plain or not and how to print a Flood Map with the FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) Panel information, this would be a good class for you.  We will also address questions concerning Flood Plains.  If time allows and if anyone is interested, we will also cover "How to Make a Wetlands Map" from the National Wetlands Inventory.  A workbook will be provided.

  • Class:  How to Check and Print a FEMA (FIRM) Flood Map from Your Own Computer
  • Date/Time: April 26, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
  • Location:  Meade County Erskine Office Building, 2nd Floor, Glass Conference Room

Another class will be held:

  • Class:  How to Check and Print a FEMA (FIRM) Flood Map from Your Own Computer
  • Date/Time:  April 26, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
  • Location:  Meade County Erskine Office Building, 2nd Floor, Glass Conference Room

Please R.S.V.P. by calling Jennifer or Bill at the Equalization & Planning Department at 605.347.3818.

Meade County will host other classes during the Summer and Fall of 2012:

  • Platting & Subdividing (how to class)
  • GIS Mapping Training Classes
  • Others to be announced


Beware – scam emails - that appear to be sent by DFAS employees!

There are emails being sent to individuals, including military members, military retirees, and civilian employees, which appear to be sent by a DFAS employee.  Although the email appears to come from a DFAS employee and displays a dot mil address it is actually from a non-government email account.  This is an example of what's called "spoofing."

The emails indicate that individuals who are receiving disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may be able to obtain additional funds from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  These emails are not issued by DFAS and will likely result in a financial loss if you comply with the suggestions in the email.  Bottom line – do not send your personal information or copies of your tax returns and 1099s to the individual listed in the email. 

The email indicates that individuals receiving VA disability compensation can receive additional funds from the IRS.  The email states that such funds can be obtained by sending copies of your VA award letter, your income tax returns, your 1099-Rs, your RAS statements, and a copy of your DD 214, to a so-called retired Colonel at an address in Florida.  Do NOT follow the suggestions in the email because you will be providing a significant amount of your personal information to a complete stranger, which could result in a financial loss to you.

Property Tax Relief for Elderly and Disabled Residents

South Dakotans have until April 1, 2012, to apply for property tax relief under the state's assessment freeze program for elderly and disabled residents.

To qualify for the program, applicants must have owned a single-family dwelling and lived in South Dakota for at least one year and have lived in that dwelling for at least 200 days of the previous year.

Income cannot exceed $25,116 for a single-member household or $31,395 for a multiple-member household.  Residents must also be 65 years of age or older or disabled according to the Social Security Act to qualify.

Applications are available from local county treasurer's offices or by contacting the Department of Revenue in Pierre at 773-3139 or 1-800-829-9188.  Additional information is available at: